Current Issues

Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4

Comic Series

And they’re off

Page 4-32 has just pulled into the station, and as it departs, so do our heroes! They’re about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.

We’re down to the final four pages of Issue 4! And yes, the FINAL four. I have no intention of extending this any further because we’ve got other stories and material to cover. Let’s end this one with a bang!

It’s Here. Valentine.

Back for 2025, I’ve got Electric Fencer Valentines! Whether you’re bringing a little thunder to your day, want to be cooler than cool, or turn up the heat with some fiery romance, they’re perfect for wowing that special guy or gal.

Still working on Page 4-32. It’ll drop soon!

Come On, Ride the Train

Page 4-28 is up, and it looks like things are starting to heal for our family. And not a moment too soon, as their train will be arriving shortly! We also get a look at Tim, another new (relatively minor) character. He’s Magnus and Mackenzie’s younger brother, and you can learn a little more about him on the Characters page.

Depending on how things go, this may or may not be the last page of 2024. That said, there have been a couple of updates:

So…there has been another extension. Issue 4 will not end on 32 pages, but rather 36. The dreaded number that caused me to split the originally larger Issue 3 into the current Issues 3 and 4. However, it’s for a good reason. Upon speaking with my fellow writers and my beta readers, the added pages do serve up some needed exposition going into Issue 5, and being that we’re this close to the previously amended end goal of 32 pages, I don’t mind adding a few more on to fully flesh things out.

However, what this also means is that because of how long Issue 4 has been running and how 2024 has just been a complete and utter mess for getting literally anything done through all of getting COVID, going to Japan, getting married, changing jobs three times, and other personal escapades that really have no place being discussed here, once Issue 4 is complete, Electric Fencer will take a 3-month hiatus from posting following the upload of Page 4-36. Whenever that may be, I’m not terribly sure at the moment, but I’m feeling a slight bit of burnout from this year just being as bonkers as it was, and as much as I love Electric Fencer, I don’t want it to die from a lack of self care.

So there’s your warning. We’ll keep things running as they have been for the last few months up until 4-36, and then we’ll take a break from posting to work on pages in the background without significant time pressure.

See you all again when 4-29 goes up!

Father Knows Best

At long last, Page 4-27 is up, and we’re finally nearing the end of Issue 4. Ronan has had one hell of a day and while it can be argued that he’s earned a smoke and a beer, perhaps succumbing to his vices isn’t the best way to cap off the day. Also, we get to see Pop again, who hasn’t made an appearance in the comic in nearly three years.

That’s actually wild as hell to think about when you consider the content of Issues 2 through 4 thus far only cover the space of a day.

Job situation changed once again and it looks like I’ll be going back down to eight hour shifts at work—and working from home—so going into the new year, I’ll have time to work on the comic again. As always, if you’ve been following along up to this point, thanks for reading!