Current Issues

Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4

Bird Up

Page 3-20 is up, as is Bird™.

Sooo…the wheels on the comic creation train screeched to a halt the last few weeks. Why? Because I decided to blow out some candles for my birthday recently, and wouldn’t you know it—the universe hit back with a little gift of its own. Got slammed by the notorious bug whose name rhymes with ‘blovid blineteen.’

Here’s some free advice: get your shots, mask up, or at the very least, don’t be that tool who thinks they’re above it all.

Ronan is Having a Time

And frankly so have I with being sick the last couple of weeks, but that’s not what today is about. Page 3-17 is live!

Very soon, I’ll begin loading pages for Issue 4 onto the site. I’m really excited for everyone to see what our heroes get up to next! It’s been a really slow burn up to this point, but once we get over the next couple of hurdles, things will be in full swing. Once issue 3 is done, the comic will go on break for two weeks and return April 3, 2024, which will be the tentative date for the start of Issue 4. We’ll also be making a handful of changes around the site and its offerings during that time, so if that’s something that may be of interest to you, please continue to keep an eye on this space for when we start making announcements.

Action Movie Shot

The blog post is a bit late, but Page 3-14 is live, and it’s time for an action movie shot! Does massive green lightning work as an explosion?

While I have your attention, as part of the first update of the year, I come bearing gifts! Previews from Issue 4!

These come from a brief flashback Lance is experiencing during Issue 4. We get to see a little bit of Lance’s family life! They don’t really spoil anything, so I thought these would be a great way to show off how things are going. Until next time!

Happy New Year!

Many of you reading this may not know, but I have a tradition in which I start the new year with a new illustration of Jiro as the first thing I draw for the year. For this year, I drew Jiro meeting his past self, as I drew him when I first created his character many years ago to commemorate the growth he’s seen in the literal decades since.

Here’s to more adventures in 2024 for Electric Fencer!

Bringing Home a Boot Heel to the Head for the Holidays

The post is late, but the comic sure wasn’t. Page 3-13 went up on Wednesday! Lee sure brought her A-game.

As is the norm around here, except for that hiatus last year, we kept up posting during the holidays. Hope you had a great holiday season! This will be the last post for Electric Fencer for 2023. We’ll be back in 2024 (in like, a week, at our usual time) for the next installment of Electric Fencer!