Yeah basically Page 4-2 is up!
And we have a new character: Mackenzie!

She’s Magnus’s sister and the only thing standing between him and accidentally getting himself yeeted off this mortal coil. We’ll be seeing a little more of her soon.
Ronan doesn’t seem to be particularly enjoying the festivities.
Issue 4 launched yesterday, but because of work obligations and generally running around, I didn’t get around to posting about it. Here’s my attempt to rectify that. With the launch, we had a couple of changes this issue:
We got a second writer for this issue! In an attempt to tighten up some of the frayed ends of the writing due to having to split, recombine, and re-split Issues 3 and 4, I enlisted some additional help. Issue 4 is sure to tug at the heartstrings a bit. Also…I changed the logo again. The reason why is this:
As a fun little side project, I’ve started an official Japanese translation of Electric Fencer, with help native from speakers, even! You might remember I have a shirt in the merch store (which you should check out among our other things). When talking to my fellow translators, we decided that Dengeki Fencer (電撃フェンサー) would be a more fitting name for the series in Japanese than Denki Fencer (電 気フェンサー). So that entire line’s probably gonna be discontinued at some point in the near future I actually tried to recreate the original logo in Japanese, but it turned out to be a giant headache, so I figured some more minimalistic branding was in order. Once this design
finally shook out, so did this one
The branding around the site will also be changing as well, once I get around to finally redoing the character portraits around the site.
Finally, I added a new page to the Extras section in the menu: Fan Works! Currently, we’ve got one piece of fan art over there by WVGrizzly!
It’s Elliott! This was actually part of an art trade. Here’s my half, as per their request:
With all these new changes, I’m hoping Issue 4 will really be one for the books. I’ve got a buffer built, but still more pages to go, so it’s back to the salt mines for me!
After a busy several weeks, I’m back from my trip and it’s time to get this ball rolling again. First off:
The cover for Issue 4 is finally ready, and just as well, the issue itself is still good to go for April 3! We have help from a guest writer this time around, so this issue is sure to be a really special one, this time around, in my opinion.
As promised, I have photos from my trip to Japan! I picked the ones that stood out the most to me (there were quite a few):
We had an amazing time and though we didn’t get to experience nearly everything we wanted, we accomplished a lot! We’ll be back to visit sometime down the road!
Page 3-21 is up and along with it is a new character, Lyndisfarne, the Spirit of Lightning!
This’ll probably be the last you’ll hear from me here for the next few weeks as I’ll be traveling out of the country to Japan! Maybe I’ll share a photo or two of my travels!
The comic will still update over the next couple of weeks and Issue 3 may or may not finish before I get back, but as previously stated, the comic will take a two week break following the end of Issue 3 and start back up April 3. I’ll post an update or two after I return so the site isn’t just, like, dead, but otherwise we’re wrapping this issue up soon.
Page 3-20 is up, as is Bird™.
Sooo…the wheels on the comic creation train screeched to a halt the last few weeks. Why? Because I decided to blow out some candles for my birthday recently, and wouldn’t you know it—the universe hit back with a little gift of its own. Got slammed by the notorious bug whose name rhymes with ‘blovid blineteen.’
Here’s some free advice: get your shots, mask up, or at the very least, don’t be that tool who thinks they’re above it all.
Everybody do your share on Page 3-19! As good stewards, we must leave the world better than we found it.
Ronan’s adult angst continues on Page 3-18. My guy just can’t catch a break from these literal children.
And frankly so have I with being sick the last couple of weeks, but that’s not what today is about. Page 3-17 is live!
Very soon, I’ll begin loading pages for Issue 4 onto the site. I’m really excited for everyone to see what our heroes get up to next! It’s been a really slow burn up to this point, but once we get over the next couple of hurdles, things will be in full swing. Once issue 3 is done, the comic will go on break for two weeks and return April 3, 2024, which will be the tentative date for the start of Issue 4. We’ll also be making a handful of changes around the site and its offerings during that time, so if that’s something that may be of interest to you, please continue to keep an eye on this space for when we start making announcements.
A smoothie.
Page 3-16 is live! I’m not so sure keeping our new Distortion Pup buddy is a good idea. At least we can keep him on the Characters Page, right?
Again, running a little late on updates, but Page 3-15 is now up! The fight with the distortion beasts has drawn to a close, and now we meet a new little friend.