Current Issues

Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4


Magnus has been playing a little too much Street Fighter. Let’s see how Page 3-9 plays out!

Production has been a little slow due to work at the day job and me being sick the last several weeks (fuck bronchitis), but I’m feeling better now and work on Issue 4 is continuing in the background. I’m hoping to have a few previews of that coming soon (I promise), so keep an eye on this space for when that rolls around!

Don’t Taunt the Monsters, Elliott

Seriously, bad idea.

Page 3-6 is live!

Things have been busy again between work and other engagements. We’ve been going to cons as of late, though as attendees, as opposed to exhibitors. That being said, we’re getting ready and strategizing for next year’s con season now that we’ve gotten some projects moving again. If you’ve been looking for us at cons and shows, Elliott and the others will be out to play again soon.

I’m also working on a writing project to flex some other creative muscles! The original idea was to do it for NaNoWriMo, however, the scope in planning seems to have surpassed the scope of what I can reasonably finish in a month, so I’m just going to keep writing until it’s finished. Maybe you’ll like it!

Them dogs is pissed

Page 3-3 is up and our heroes got that dawg in them. Did this decisive first strike put the distortion beasts on the back foot?

Issue 3 is coming along nicely, I’d like to think.

As you might have noticed (assuming you’re not new here), I’ve placed a few ad boxes from ComicAd Network around the site. I did my best not to make them too terribly intrusive and they help with marketing the website in a small way. Don’t worry, though. I’m still holding myself to the promise to not place more invasive ads on the site for the sake of funding.

I’m also looking to host the comic in another location. Right now, Issue 1 up through part of 2 is available on Tapas, but I’m thinking of finishing it out and expanding our reach to Webtoon as well. Cast a wide net, right?