Father Knows Best

At long last, Page 4-27 is up, and we’re finally nearing the end of Issue 4. Ronan has had one hell of a day and while it can be argued that he’s earned a smoke and a beer, perhaps succumbing to his vices isn’t the best way to cap off the day. Also, we get to see Pop again, who hasn’t made an appearance in the comic in nearly three years.

That’s actually wild as hell to think about when you consider the content of Issues 2 through 4 thus far only cover the space of a day.

Job situation changed once again and it looks like I’ll be going back down to eight hour shifts at work—and working from home—so going into the new year, I’ll have time to work on the comic again. As always, if you’ve been following along up to this point, thanks for reading!

Odyssey, ya see?

Page 4-26 is finally up and our grand adventure is almost underway!

Sorry that these have been taking so long to roll out as of late! Life got a little hectic again and I had some commissions to work on, plus with the end of the year looming, the job situation has changed again, so I’ve had less time to do comic things. Them’s the breaks, though 🤷‍♂️

Page 4-27 will be worked on once I get through the next couple of commissions!

Use the Force…or something?

Page 4-24 went live yesterday and with it, Elliott secures a new weapon: Vermilion! Admittedly, it’ll be some time before we really get to see it in action but I’m excited to see what sorts of insanity he’ll pull off with it.

4-25 is currently in production and will go up when it’s ready. The art for it is about halfway done.

Toyland, Toyland

At last, Page 4-23 has landed and with it comes a new character, Agent Newton! You can learn a little about him on the Characters Page. He certainly has a very interesting idea what constitutes a “toy.”

Fun fact, Newton is actually an older character of mine I thought would slot well into a role at the Astral Conservatory. Unlike Lado, he wasn’t originally designed for Electric Fencer, but another project in which he was actually much younger, so I aged him up for the current story. He’s a bighorn ram with distinguished Xbox uncle energy.

As previously stated, this page will stay up for at least a couple weeks to allow it a chance for proper visibility and to afford me time to complete 4-24.

The longest drought in a while


As you can see, I never got around to updating last week and once again it is Wednesday, my dudes.

I’m really sorry about the lack of story updates this past month. Work has gotten longer and it seems building the tracks as the train is coming down them has absolutely not been a viable strategy. I’ll discuss what this means for Issue 5 once Issue 4 is done (no, the comic isn’t getting cancelled so there are no worries there). For what it’s worth, 4-23 is about 75% of the way done, so I’m aiming to have it up before the weekend. In order to allow time for 4-24 to cook and for 4-23 to have its time in the spotlight, it’ll be up for a couple of weeks.

Once again, I’m really sorry about the slow rollout of recent updates, but for everyone still here reading and waiting patiently—maybe excitedly even—you have my eternal gratitude 🙏❤️