Page 17 is up and with it we finally have a name for our mystery woman: it’s Tarragon! She’s been added to the character page in full. Tarragon has also received a site banner, which will cycle with the other banners on the site, so be on the lookout for it as well.

Speaking of character banners, I added a new banner for Elliott, this time based on his design featured on Monday’s Valentines, however, I also added one for Magnus. He hasn’t made many appearances in the comics yet, but based on my discussions with fans of the series, he seems to be a favorite, so here’s a little something of a treat for them as well.

Mystery Woman Revealed

This week’s page, 2-14, finally brings us to the person who sent Jiro to Ronan’s shop. Clearly, she’s the mystery woman who worked with Ronan and Wayland in the past, but just what lies behind those ruby red eyes?

I’ve got another little bit for the Extras section I’m working on. Not sure when I’ll have it up, but I made the image portion of it so next is the writeup. It’s a nice little bit of worldbuilding (quite literal) I’ve been working on for some time now. Stick around to see when it drops.


In addition to today’s update, 2-9, we have a new character: Jiro. He’s been added to the character banner rotation. In addition, there’s a new alternate banner for Lee, using her preferred name, so she’s got two now: one as Anastasia, and one as Lee.

There’s also a major development in the story!

We’re down to the last couple of updates for the year. If you’ve been reading with us since we started in September (the real world September, not in-universe September), from all of us at Electric Fencer, you have our deepest thanks. Here’s hoping we get to do even more with Electric Fencer in 2022!

Latecoming Blog Post

Issue 2 Page 7 went up yesterday. Nothing especially noteworthy happens this week, besides Lee returning to the comic.

Things are being worked on in the background, hence why these posts have been so late as of recent. However, the comics are all scheduled in advance, so whether I write a post on Wednesday mornings or late Saturday night, you’ll still get your Electric Fencer fix in the middle of the week as promised.

Turkey Day

I missed a chance to post last week due to travel, but it seems like everyone really jumped on that last page, so it’s safe to say it did decently well without my help. Even so, last week’s update was page 5. This week’s is page 6, with Ronan being overly surly.

Additionally, I thought it would be fun to write some articles regarding some of the smaller meta relevant to Electric Fencer, so I’ve opened up the Extras section of the menu and started off with two articles: Sestius? Wait, what? and What is Klein? I’ll be adding more in the future, with current plans including a discussion on family names (we have three in relation to the Alexanders), maps, and illustrations, and more.

It Begins…

Page 22

Page 23

Page 24

And with that, Issue 1 comes to a close. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed working on it!

As stated in the previous update, we’ll be taking next week off to finalize Issue 2 and get it uploaded to the website and ready for launch when we return on November 17. Mark your calendars, because we’ll be back in 2 weeks with more Electric Fencer, with new characters, more intrigue, and more adventure coming your way.

Treat Yo’self

She absolutely backed up that threat (RIP Helga)

A lot’s happened over the last few weeks and so I decided to treat myself to a little Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl. Great stuff, except for the part where Patrick Bowser-cided me three times in a row and won.

It’s been a long day and though and though pages 20 and 21 went up, I only just got the time to put up an actual blog post.

So Issue 1 is coming to a close very soon, and with that, rather than the usual two pages, we have three pages going up next week. I really liked the color job I did on these pages, so here’s hoping you like them too when they go up.

Following that, the comic will take off for a week to finalize the edits on Issue 2 and prepare the cover. Additionally, while the pace for Issue 1 was admittedly all over the place and a bit wonky, Issue 2 is a little more even-keeled and as such, we’ll dial it back to one page a week for the time being as we continue working on content for the site and experimenting with a good format for site updates. We might throw an extra page or two in an update here or there to help with pacing, depending on what’s happening in the story.

For now, April O’Neil has an interview with Old Betsy and the Five Avengers.