Page 4-15 is up and it seems like Renée has other ideas as to what’ll be happening in the days to come.
We’ve been having a bit of trouble with the server again. Not entirely sure what’s causing it this time, but we’re looking into the issue.
Page 4-15 is up and it seems like Renée has other ideas as to what’ll be happening in the days to come.
We’ve been having a bit of trouble with the server again. Not entirely sure what’s causing it this time, but we’re looking into the issue.
Page 4-14 is up, and this one is a bit light on the humor, but for good reason. Healing takes time. This page shows us a more affectionate and introspective side to Ronan. Lee’s not much for talking about her feelings, but her emotions speak volumes.
On page 4-13, we get to see Ronan smiling! Don’t count on this being a regular occurrence.
Things have been a little shaky as of late. I got sick again and that’s made it next to impossible to do anything. Balls.
Well, I’m on the tail end of it, so here’s hoping next week proves a little more productive ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Page 4-12, in which I wanted an excuse to draw anime food. A nice way to cap off Elliott nursing a slice of cake for 12 weeks.
There have been some weird outages on the site as of late, but we’re working on a solution to that. Sincerest apologies if you’ve been trying to visit the site lately and it’s been down 🙇♂️
Also, I’d like to take this time to thank everyone who not only reads Electric Fencer, but goes the extra mile to react to or leave comments on their favorite pages. Things have been really hectic as of late with my day job situation being in flux, among other things, so checking in to respond to or upvote messages has been the the little kick of dopamine I needed to tell me that we’ve still got a good thing going here. Thanks!
Generations of children the world over, both in-universe and in the real world, know the terror that is a flying slipper to the head. Lance’s PTSD on Page 4-11 is a testament to that!
Sorry this went up a little late. I’ve been working on new art for the site all day as well as dealing with some household errands. But here it is! Things should be moving a bit more optimally come next week.
Today we learn about the spacetime-bending properties of household slippers in this conclusion to Lance’s flashback on page 4-10!
More pages are being uploaded and as well as new art for the site. Stay tuned!
Page 4-8 was late going up, but the important thing is that it’s up. Sorry! It’s pretty wordy!
Things have been a little hectic the last few days here with my work situation changing and all, but the comic did, nevertheless, post, Just so you know, it’s Page 4-6. The pressure cooker finally went boom 💥
I pushed the comic early! Page 4-5 is now up! Not a whole lot else to say though, so until next week!
Page 4-4 is up and I’d be lying if I said this page wasn’t as tense to write as it probably is to read. But then I just tell myself that in those instances the writing is doing its job well. At this point, this issue is our first time seeing her in about 2 or 3 years and Liz is emoting really well. I’m actually pretty thrilled with her reactions to things this issue.
Again, sorry for the late posts this week. I still haven’t quite figured out what’s causing the autoscheduler to not work, but if it means I have to manually push the updates through, then I think there are way worse problems we could be having right about now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, we now have a Facebook page over at Studio Dynapolitan! Yes, I know FB is turning into the boomer social media app, but it’s the only one I’m even remotely good at, so here it is :V