Ready? Say “Fuzzy Pickles!”

4-22 is up, and we have a visitor! Can’t hold the cameraman up too long. He has psychic adventurers to document.

ETA on 4-23 is in the air at the moment as I have some things to take care of, but I’ll keep you all posted.

I should probably also take this time to announce that unlike previous issues, this one is going to run a little bit longer than before. If you recall, the plan was originally that Issue 3 would be 24 pages long. Then rewriting the issue for pacing led to making Issue 3 run for about 36 pages. Then that went bust and I split the chapter into Issues 3 and 4. We accomplished everything we wanted to do in Issue 3 in 24 pages, but didn’t hit that mark for Issue 4. In fact, we overshot it. Issue 4 will actually be 32 pages long! Don’t worry, this time I won’t chicken out and split the issue again. To be honest, that’s not really a feasible solution this time around, especially since I want Issue 5 to cover completely new content.

Work obligations have made getting the comic done a bit rougher than in the past, but we’re gonna make it through this 😤

Get you someone who looks at you like

4-19 is up and we have a new character, Lado! You can learn more about him on the Characters Page. He’s actually a character I developed for a much older iteration of the comic and at one point dropped wholesale due to the sheer number of characters in the traveling party at the time. I figured we needed some more members of the Astral Conservatory to work with, so why not give an old friend his job back? Whaddup, Agent L-Deezy?! Glad to have you aboard once again.

4-20 (yes blaze it ha ha very funny moving on) is in the pipeline and will be out next week, barring any unforeseen outages. I had Techokami look under the hood and we’re hoping the problem is at the very least contained for now.

Sort of a Two-fer?

Page 4-17 is now up, but also, I completely forgot to post that Page 4-16 also went up last week 😬

4-18 will be going up next week, though I do have a bit of frustrating news to share…There may or may not be a hiatus in the coming weeks due to how bad this summer has been for comic creation. I’ll try to stave it off for as long as I can, and even try to get multiple pages done to have a steady stream of content. Apologies in advance!

I’ve taken on a lot of new responsibilities at work, so this aspect of my life has taken something of a hit, but we’ll see things through.